• Spanish / English
  • (51-1) 447-2454 / (51-1) 445-7633 / (51-1) 447-2450
  • mail@pierola-asociados.com / estudio@pierola.com.pe
  • Calle Manuel Almenara 265, Miraflores, Lima 18, Perú.

Members of the firm

JOSE DE PIEROLA, Intellectual Property Attorney, born in Lima, Peru, in 1944; admitted to Lima Bas Association in 1970. Education: Universidad de San Marcos (Bachelor at Law; Lawyer’s Degree; Doctor in Law); McGill University, Montreal, Canada (Diploma in International Air and Space Law); The Southwestern Legal Foundation, Dallas, Texas (Diploma in Comparative Law); Head of Diplomatic Mission in Peru as Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (February 11, 1999 until June 17, 2005).
Lima Bar Association (Member of the Board of Directors 2001-2002)(President Intellectual Property Law Committee 1998 and 2004-2008)(Member of the List of Arbitrators); Alava (Spain) Bar Association; Santa Cruz (Bolivia) Bar Association (Honorary Member 2001); La Paz (Bolivia) Bar Association (Honorary Member 2001); Peruvian Industrial Property Association (APPI) (Vice-President 1995-1997, President 1997-1999); Lima Chamber of Commerce (Member of the Board of Directors and President of Intellectual Property Committee 2000-2002); American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM PERU) (Member of the Intellectual Property Committee)(Member of the List of Arbitrators); Federation Internationale des Conseils en Propiété Industrielle (FICPI) (President Peruvian Group 1997-2010); Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propiété Industrielle (AIPPI) (President Peruvian Group, 1997-2010); Inter-American Association of Industrial Property (ASIPI)(Delegate Peruvian Members 1998-2000); Interamerican Bar Association (IABA) (Council member; Executive Committee member; President Intellectual Property Law Committee 1998-2001); American Bar Association; International Trademark Association (INTA); American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) (member International and Franchising Law Committee 2007); World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (Member of the List of Domain Name Panelists for .pe); European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA); Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group; Alliance Française de Lima (Member of the Board of Directors); Superintendencia Nacional de Entidades Prestadoras de Salud (Nómina de Arbitros).

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Corporate Law, General Law, Arbitration, Domain Name Dispute Resolution.

Languages: Spanish, English and French.


CHRISTEL CANTHAL DE PIEROLA, Patent and Trademark Agent, born in Lima, Peru in 1952. Education: Handelskurs, Colegio Aleman Alexander von Humboldt, Lima.

Practice Areas: Patent and Trademark Prosecution; General Administration. Languages: Spanish, German, French and English.


MARIA CLAUDIA NOLAZCO, Intellectual Property Attorney, born in Lima, Peru, in 1993. Attorney from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC.  Member at Lima Bar Association.

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property; General Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.


ALEXANDRA PAUCAR, Intellectual Property Attorney, born in Lima, Peru, in 1994. Attorney from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC.  Member at Lima Bar Association.

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property; General Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.


JOSE N. DE PIEROLA, Of-Counsel, born in Lima, Peru, in 1986. Bachelor at Law Degree and Lawyer’s Degree form Universidad de Lima. Membership at El Callao (Lima port) Bar Association. Master's Degree of International Management at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany.

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property; General Law.
Languages: Spanish, English and German.


ADRIANA DE PIEROLA, Of-Counsel, born in Lima, Peru, in 1985. Law studies, and Licensed in Communications at Universidad de Lima (Magna Cum Laude).

Practice Areas: General Administration and Communications.
Languages: Spanish, English and German.


FRANCISCO M. DE PIEROLA, Of-Counsel, born in Lima, Peru, in 1988. Communications studies at Universidad de Lima. Master's Degree of Journalism and Digital Communication at EAE Business School in Madrid, Spain.

Practice Areas: Communications.
Languages: Spanish, English and German.

MARIA ELENA MOORE, Paralegal, born in Lima, Peru, in 1952.

Practice Areas: Patent and Trade Mark Administration Officer.
Languages: Spanish and English.


LUCY VASQUEZ, Paralegal, born in Lima, Peru, in 1952.

Practice Areas: General Patent and Trade Mark Officer. Translator. 
Languages: Spanish and English.


NOELIA AVALOS, Paralegal, born in Lima, Peru, in 1984. Secretarial and Translation Studies. 

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property. Translations. Correspondence.
Languages: Spanish and English.


DIANA NARVARTE, Paralegal, born in Lima, Peru, in 1994. Secretarial Studies.

Practice Areas: Intellectual Property. Translations. Correspondence.
Languages: Spanish and English.